Hi! I’m Jeannie.

I’m currently a Web Designer with my own business, remotely serving diverse clients like authors, lawyers, podcasters, and nonprofits. And now I'm treading into the world of UX Design with a Google UX Design Professional certificate.

I’ve learned a lot from my clients and the teams I’ve worked on; including how to design and communicate clearly whether it be on a website, social media, or over a video call.  I’m passionate about solving problems, efficiently and honestly, either with a team or a single client. The projects I’m most proud of include a podcast website about forgotten women in science and a website for a nonprofit that runs a school for impoverished children in the Ivory Coast. Each experience has taught me the importance of design in promoting important causes, connecting people and changing how we might see ourselves and the world. 

As a former History major and Animation student, I’ve always been sensitive to the power of stories. A lot of design is about telling a story - through text, through images, through motion, through sound, through interaction. And stories are powerful. Stories can transform identities, communities, and the world. How we see ourselves, eachother, and our pasts plays a large part in how we treat each other. Design has the power to educate, open minds, connect people, and solve problems. And that’s why I love it. 

Please get in touch whenever you’d like!  Let’s make something together that benefits the world, one community at a time. :)


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